Two Texas A&M University faculty members have been elected to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE). Dr. Mladen Kezunovic and Dr. Vijay Singh are among 111 new members and 22 international members who will be inducted in October. NAE members are elected by peers, who are current NAE members.
Once inducted, Texas A&M will be home to 30 NAE members among the current faculty. Membership in the NAE is one of the highest global professional honors an engineer can receive in their career.
As component of The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, NAE began under the same congressional act President Lincoln signed in 1863 to establish the National Academy of Sciences. Under this act, NAE is directed “whenever called upon by any department or agency of government, to investigate, examine, experiment, and report upon any subject of science or art.” The National Academy of Engineering was established in 1964 under the same congressional charter. The 2022 NAE elections bring the total number of U.S. members to 2,388 and 310 international members.
About This Year's Texas A&M NAE inductees:

Dr. Mladen Kezunovic
College of Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dr. Kezunovic is a Regents Professor and Eugene E. Webb Professor. He was elected to the NAE for his contributions to automated analysis of power system faults, and leadership in education in protective relaying. Click here to read more about his accomplishments.

Dr. Vijay Singh
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences; College of Engineering
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Dr. Singh is a University Distinguished Professor, Regents Professor, and Caroline & William N. Lehrer Distinguished Chair. He was elected into the NAE for his contributions to wave modeling and development of entrophy-based theories of hydrologic processes and hydroclimatic extremes. Click here to read more about his accomplishments.